Gezocht: Enthosiaste dirigent

  • Wilco van Helden


    Wij zijn per direct op zoek naar een nieuwe dirigent voor ons jongerenkoor.

    Heb jij enige ervaring of ben je bezig met een opleiding voor dirigent, en lijkt het je leuk om voor een leuk, enthosiast koor te staan, neem dan eens contact met ons op en misschien kunnen we samen verder in de toekomst.

    Voor meer informatie kunt u kijken op of een E-mail sturen naar bovenstaand adres.


    Wilco van Helden

  • Pedro Santos

    Greetings Mr. Wilco van Helden,

    I'm very interested in conducting your choir but I don't know from wich city the choir is. Can you please tell me that?

    I'm studing composition at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. I'm doing my master degree wich theme is compositions for voice, because of this I'm working a lot with voices specially composing for them (choir pieces, instrumental ensemble pieces with voice, solo voice pieces and others), but I'm also singing in choirs and studing vocal scores and books about voice. I have experience of conducting children choir's in Portugal, my original country, I conducted the children choir of the Academia de Musica de Castelo de Paiva (Music school of Castelo de Paiva) and I also worked a lot with children as a teacher of music theory, oral and auditive training.

    As you can see I don't speak dutch, I know that to work with young people it's necessary to speak their mother language but I'm still wondering if it's possible to do the work speaking english.

    If you want to talk with me personally my phone number is: 0641511048.

    I thank you for your time and I hope to receive news from you.

    Sincerely yours,

    Pedro Santos

  • Wilco van Helden

    Dear mister Pedros Santros.

    Our choir is in Sevenum, thath's 10 kilometers from Venlo.

    Maybe you can look on our website:

    This website is also in English.

    I hope you can read my English text, because i'm not very good in it.


    Wilco van Helden